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Private Lessons with Jessica

30 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Violin (ages 3+)


Jessica holds a Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and Artist Diploma in violin performance from the prestigious Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music. She has performed with groups like the Kentucky Symphony, Clermont Symphony, and Richmond Symphony Orchestra, accompanying artists such as Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin. Jessica discovered her grandfather's old violin at age 11, leading her to study with Susan Kitterman and become concert mistress of the Indianapolis New World Youth Orchestra at 14. She later studied with Vladimir Krakovich and attended master classes with Joshua Bell. At the University of Cincinnati, she studied under Dr. Won-Bin Yim and balanced teaching, performing, and studying. Her interest in pedagogy grew through a course taught by Kurt Sassmannshaus, blending techniques from Dorothy Delay and the Suzuki method to develop her unique teaching style. 

$49.75/lesson, Month to month

Tuesday at Garden Music School