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Private Lessons with Marcus

30 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Piano (ages 5+),   Guitar (ages 6+),   Drums (ages 4+),   Bass (ages 6+)


Marcus began studying the piano at age four, but truly began playing/performing at only 5 years old with Catholic Nuns. Marcus was exposed to a wide variety of music, listening leisurely to bands such as Van Halen and Metallica, while studying the likes of Bach and Beethoven. Marcus' interests quickly migrated to the guitar and bass, followed closely by drums and percussion. Marcus attended Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School, instead of public high school, where his love for music grew rapidly. It was at Lincoln Park Performing Arts School that Marcus was studying music all day with professional teachers such as Todd Goodman and Eric DeFade, and also the peers around him. Marcus began performing and participating in every musical event available. Marcus' primary instrument of focus is piano, followed by percussion. Marcus also plays guitar, bass, ukulele, and even the accordion.

$49.75/lesson, Month to month

Monday at Garden Music School

$49.75/lesson, Month to month

Tuesday at Garden Music School

$49.75/lesson, Month to month

Wednesday at Garden Music School

$49.75/lesson, Month to month

Thursday at Garden Music School